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Welcome to the Active Minds and Clubhouse International collaboration website started by the Active Minds Chapter at the University of Notre Dame! Here you will find everything you need to know to foster a healthy relationship between your local Clubhouse and Active Minds chapters.

Mission Statements

Active Minds Mission

Active Minds is a nonprofit organization focused on changing and destigmatizing the conversation around mental health. Through education, research, advocacy, and a focus on young adults ages 14–25, Active Minds is opening up the conversation about mental health and changing the way mental health is talked about, cared for, and valued in the United States. Active Minds aspires to establish communities at high schools, on college campuses, and in society at large to connect those struggling with mental illness with appropriate resources and ongoing support. ​Now in more than 1,000 campuses and communities, Active Minds directly reaches more than 1.9 million people each year through awareness campaigns, events, advocacy, outreach, and more.

Clubhouse International Mission

Clubhouse International is the only global mental health nonprofit that expands and enhances recovery opportunities for people living with mental illness by integrating the proven recovery model – the Clubhouse Model of psychosocial rehabilitation - into community-based approaches worldwide. Clubhouse International coordinates, supports, trains and accredits a growing network of Clubhouses, currently over 370 in 33 countries. A Clubhouse is a community-based mental health service that empowers people with mental illness to take control of their recovery and thrive through access to opportunities for employment, socialization, education, skill development, housing and improved wellness.​

Shared Goals

Clubhouse International and Active Minds are entities committed to creating supportive communities for those struggling with mental illnesses. This is done by connecting impacted groups with resources that help illuminate multiple paths to recovery. Both entities also wish to increase societal awareness about the impacts of mental illness in order to reduce negative perceptions and stigma surrounding mental health. The goal of empowering people dealing with mental illnesses to seek help and cultivate conversations about mental health is shared by both organizations. Active Minds and Clubhouse International aspire to help those struggling find their purpose, power, and potential. 


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This data is important, because it demonstrates the impact this resource is having, and allows for future collaboration and communication between Clubhouses and Active Minds chapters.

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